Local Woman Prefers Charities That Benefit Her Too

“I could just write a check to the organization, but what good does that do for me?” pondered Erin Ingram, proud benefit concert attendee, bake sale chef and rubber bracelet wearer. The self-described “do-gooder” explained her philanthropic inspiration while snacking on a pink yogurt sponsored by Susan G. Komen. “It works out perfectly because I get to make a difference and I get to buy the pink one,” said Ingham. “I prefer charities where you get a pink thing.”

“I didn’t want to do the ice bucket challenge until my air conditioner broke,” Ingram added. “Then I thought oh wow I’m really hot, then I thought hmm I wish someone would dump a bucket of ice water on my head, and that was when I realized I should do something to help children with Steven Hawking disease.” Posting the video to her facebook page also gave Ingram a chance to show off her new toned post-walk-a-thon season body.

Ingram’s son Alex shared her sentiments regarding charity. “I like wearing my ‘I love Boobies’ shirt because I get to express my love of boobies while helping cure boobie cancer,” said the 17 year-old.

Alex cited this as the reason why he chose not to participate in his high school Habitat for Humanity club, “I was like they get a house, so where’s the part where I get something? That’s like having a blood drive with no free cookies.”

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