Man shocked to discover his blood is not blue before it hits the air

By Hannah Lynn

Coikes Montero had his whole world turned upside down last week when his doctor informed him that, despite his long held belief that blood is blue until it is exposed to the air, the blood in his body is red 100% of the time.
“I can’t believe this! I’m just flabbergasted,” Montero said. “My whole life, since I was a wee babe, I’ve been told by my peers that the blood in our veins is blue! And I believed it, I mean look!” he said, pointing to his blue veins.
Montero fell victim to the widespread myth that many children are told and believe until they are old to see its flawed logic. Montero appears to have skipped this stage. “It’s just the light that makes veins appear blue,” said Lou Lee, Montero’s doctor. “I bet this guy still thinks his elbow is double jointed. Everyone is dumb. I should’ve set the world on fire ages ago!” Lee said before breaking into maniacal laughter.
Montero was still trying to process the new information. “I mean what’s next? Are you gonna tell me that my elbow isn’t double jointed?!” he yelled at the small circles of doctors and nurses that had formed around him to witness the incredible scene. No one answered him. They all looked down at their clipboards. “Oh No. No No No. NO. NOOOOO!” Montero yelled before running out the door and tripping over the hospital gown he had insisted on wearing.

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