By Phil Forrence

The term existential
threat is not one I understand. However, the recent attacks in Paris
demonstrate ISIS poses an immense existential threat to the United
States. Suicide bombers force security guards to play a decidedly
less-charming version of 'Where's Waldo?' at every high volume
football game and concert. ISIS exploits the difficult-to-detect
terror strategy of lining explosives inside previously non-explosive
sweater vests.
When it was found
that Americans were shooting each other with guns, we as a country
understood that the best way to solve this problem was to introduce
no new legislation and suggest more guns be added to the situation.
Give good guys guns. Lower the amount of gun deaths. Now we must use
this lesson learned, and apply it to explosive sleeveless sweaters.
Every child, woman,
and man who loves America should be allowed to purchase a protective
suicide vest. Yes, a protective suicide vest. They should come in all
shapes and sizes. When the terrorists show up to the local Hooters or
your son's tee-ball game expecting to destroy everything in the area,
you can catch them unawares with your very own explosive rib cage.
Word will spread throughout terrorist organizations everywhere that
America is not a country to fuck with. Word will spread. The Islamic
state will no longer be able to carry out its incognito attacks.
America will be safe. America will be safe.
Although some may
deem it drastic and others may too, this measure will ensure
terrorists don't get the edge. We can beat ISIS. The solution must
come from within.
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